Project Description

A business case and operating details for the redevelopment of the Whitehorse Performing Arts Centre, Victoria
Following a feasibility study in 2010/2011 and alongside the development of an Arts and Cultural Strategy for the region, Whitehorse City Council sought the development of a Business Case for the Whitehorse Performing Arts Centre (WPAC). It was envisaged that the new Centre will remain, first and foremost, a community arts and cultural facility, while attracting high quality national touring productions.
Positive Solutions built upon our work with Williams Ross Architects, which involved mapping user demand and future use, undertaking consultation with Councillors and other stakeholders, holding workshops, providing guidance on financing and capital costs and identifying the social and cultural impacts of a redeveloped centre.
Subsequently, the business planning project commenced with mobilisation and data collation, followed by benchmarking and consideration of the most appropriate governance and operating model, consideration of the staffing structure and levels, and finally the development of a detailed financial model. Presentations were made to City of Whitehorse executive officers, and a workshop was facilitated with Councillors.
Positive Solutions was initially engaged with Williams Ross Architects to provide Council with a costed design brief, concept plans and a costed operational model for the redevelopment of the WPAC. Positive Solutions was later re-engaged with The Maytrix Group to advise on fees, charges, utilisation, staffing and other operational details.
A final report was provided to Council which included benchmarking of fees/charges and utilisation levels at three selected arts and entertainment venues, a staffing structure with implementation timeframes which included outline scope for each position, a recommended fees/charges schedule, projected utilisation of the venue informing a financial model with expected growth, and evaluation of operating models for operation of the venue. The redeveloped Centre is currently under construction.