Project Description

Transitioning from an Entertainment Centre into a multi-faceted contemporary Arts Centre
Sutherland Shire Council sought consulting support for the operational set-up for the redevelopment of Sutherland Entertainment Centre. Built in the 1970s the Centre has been in need of a significant upgrade in recent years. Beyond the physical upgrades Council’s goal was to enhance active community engagement in the performing arts, redefining the centre as a place that goes beyond spectatorship into active and inclusive participation – a best-practice contemporary Arts Centre.
Positive Solutions engaged in a consulting process that included a thorough benchmarking of the experience of other local governments and performing arts facilities across Australia, with a range of operating arrangements. We drew upon this and our previous knowledge of performing arts centre operations to inform the evaluation of options for Sutherland Shire Council, including consideration of the financial implications of the alternative operating models. Following the determination of a preferred model we assisted with implementation planning.
Sutherland Shire Council’s brief was to provide market insights on business and operating models for the redeveloped centre, present options and recommend the optimal model, supported by an implementation plan; and then to assist with the implementation process.
Positive Solutions submitted a Governance Options report to Sutherland Shire Council which contained an overview of different possible governance structures, and a recommended best option. Subsequently, Positive Solutions has recruited a Transition Director for the centre, who is currently implementing operating systems prior to its opening, guided by our implementation plan.