Project Description

A New Library and Community Hub in one of Australia’s most Diverse Cities
Springvale was identified by the Victorian Government’s Melbourne 2030 strategic planning policy framework as one of three major activity centres within the City of Greater Dandenong. Responding to this and recognising the need to invest in active community spaces, the City embarked on an ambitious civic and cultural redevelopment project within the newly designated Springvale Community Precinct. This multi-year project involved a two stage process – the first involving the redevelopment of the Town Hall and the second the construction of the new Springvale Library and Community Hub and surrounding parkland.
We undertook a thorough review of Council policies and background documents in order to align with existing strategies and community priorities. Stakeholder interviews and workshops were conducted to guide the process and identify key issues. We researched several benchmarks – focusing on recent library/ community hub developments – to inform best practice and provide up-to-date industry insights. A Governance Framework and draft Operating Plan were presented to stimulate discussion with the client. A final Operating Plan was delivered along with indicative operating costs to prepare for the Library and Community Hub’s opening.
Positive Solutions was engaged, with support from The Maytrix Group, to develop a management and operating plan for the new Springvale Library and Community Hub and its surrounding precinct to guide the future operations of this new, high profile and important community asset.
We created a practical management and operating plan for the new Library and Community Hub including a Vision and Governance Framework as well as advice on staff resources and procedural guidelines for venue management. These were presented alongside an Activation Strategy and Mobilisation Plan to support Council to achieve the best use of the new facilities as soon as possible and to provide a clear route map linking up to the opening. The venue was completed in 2020, reflecting the consultant advice for best-use of the facility by the community.