Project Description

A new performing arts facility for Saint Kentigern College, Auckland
Established in 1949 the Saint Kentigern Trust Board governs four leading independent Presbyterian schools in Auckland. They are Saint Kentigern College (SKC), Saint Kentigern Boys’ School (SKBS), Saint Kentigern Girls’ School (SKGS), and Saint Kentigern Pre School (SKPS). Collectively they represent the largest independent school primary and secondary cohort in New Zealand with currently over 3,000 students. Currently, there is no customised performance space for the three artforms taught at the schools (music, drama and dance), restricting performance standards and the range of education experiences which students can enjoy.
Positive Solutions reviewed documentation provided by Saint Kentigern before conducting interviews with an agreed selection of internal and external stakeholders, including executive and teaching staff, trustees, alumni and parents. A report of findings from stakeholder consultation was drafted, and current performing arts facilities at the school, and activity levels at the school, were documented. Benchmarking interviews with schools with similar facilities was undertaken, and two key guides by Australian industry bodies for the performing arts were reviewed to inform the recommendations.
Positive Solutions was engaged by Saint Kentigern Trust Board (SKTB) to progress the concept of a performing arts facility for the school through a feasibility and planning process, including the preparation of an initial Functional Design Brief.
The report provided context-setting for performing arts centre use and design, noting the specific requirements in an educational context, and presented a summary of findings from stakeholder consultation with data on current facilities and activities. These were supplemented with the consultants’ proposals for the specification for the Saint Kentigern performing arts centre in the form of a preliminary schedule of accommodation, and with notes on the functional requirements for each key element in the schedule.