Project Description

Northern Rivers Arts

Creative Industries Strategy for the Northern Rivers Arts

A Regional Arts and Creative Industries Strategy for the Northern

The importance of the creative industries was identified by the Northern Rivers Regional Development Board (NRRDB) and the Area Consultative Committee as an increasingly important economic driver with strong employment and business potential for the region. In August 2006, Arts Northern Rivers and the NRRDB established a formal Creative Industry Consortium of arts, regional development and education agencies to support the development of the Strategy


Positive Solutions was to develop a Regional Arts and Creative Industries Strategy for the Northern Rivers Region, to identify, prioritise and support appropriate industry and cultural infrastructure development.

The aims of the strategy were to identify:
• Regional priorities for cultural capital infrastructure development
• Regional priorities for creative industry development
• Opportunities for new market development for creative industry product
• Implementation plans with funding and business models
• Budgets and funding partners for regional priorities.


Positive Solutions undertook detailed research and mapping of the creative industries in the region and detailed benchmarking of creative industries in other areas, within Australia and overseas. This research included desk research, surveys, group discussions and interviews with key stakeholders


A Northern Rivers Arts and Creative Industries Strategy 2008-2012 which provided a framework for a range of stakeholders to work together to realise the potential of the arts and creative industries in the region.

The strategy included six key goals for arts and creative industries in the region in the areas of education, training and professional development; access and lifestyle; infrastructure and finance; innovation and product development; sales, marketing and distribution; and advocacy.

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