Project Description

Evaluation of Ian Potter Cultural Trust’s investment in Australian artists
The Ian Potter Cultural Trust (IPCT) and The Ian Potter Foundation (IPF) have made a lasting contribution to the Australian arts ecology, with sustained support over decades. The Cultural Trust was established in 1993 to encourage and support excellence amongst emerging and early career Australian artists.
In 2021, assisted by Positive Solutions, the Trust commenced an evaluation of the Trust’s investment in Australian artists – with the project reviewing the impact of the Trust and considering future approaches and strategy.
The project was structured into two stages – an evaluation of the IPCT’s grant-making, and the development of future strategy. During stage one Positive Solutions interviewed over 30 stakeholders, and 270 artists participated in a survey.
The second stage of the project identified possible future artist support initiatives that will continue to support the Trust’s vision of a Vibrant Australia. Positive Solutions benefited from an expert Reference Panel of seven, and numerous stakeholders engaged through a series of group discussions. A final report has been delivered to the IPCT, including recommendations for the Trust’s Arts Committee to consider.
This project required a mix of rigorous analysis of past data and current processes, and a well-informed view of creative sector trends – especially as they impact upon the professional development and long-term sustainability of Australian artists. These two elements form the groundwork for a creative, scenario planning process that envisaged alternative futures for the Trust, and helped to identify a preferred future which is distinctive and complementary to the role and investments of other agencies.
We worked in close liaison with the Trust’s officers, which ensured that Trustees shared the journey of reflective analysis, scenario planning and strategy formulation. This has supported a strong outcome, but also an endorsed strategy that has wide-ranging support within the organisation.
Positive Solutions is thrilled to say that during the period of the project the Trustees agreed to significantly increase the level of investment in individual artists through the IPCT, enhancing the Trust’s impact. Our final report incorporated an implementation plan, application and assessment processes for the Trust, and a risk commentary.
The report addresses the key questions posed in the IPCT Brief regarding, for example, timeliness and impact, equity and access, alignment with the Foundation’s vision, value for money, and efficiency of process and resourcing.