Project Description
Pah Homestead
Positive Solutions was engaged by Auckland City Council to prepare a distinctive and deliverable concept for adaptation of Pah Homestead as a visual arts centre. This would take into account the heritage building, the parkland, the character of the neighbourhood, the culturally diverse mix of the locality, and current and future transport access to the site. Demand assessment and a business plan were to be prepared to support the preferred concept – including programs, staffing, income streams and an initial marketing strategy.
Commencing with mapping of visual arts provision in the region and with benchmarking selected visual arts centres elsewhere – including those located in parklands – Positive Solutions also carried out local industry consultation to gauge demand for and supply of exhibitions, workshops, functions and other activities. As concepts evolved they were tested against City Council policy priorities as well as against financial and other parameters which would affect long term viability.
For more information on this project, please click here.

Pah Homestead