Project Description

Positive Solutions, in partnership with ICF International in Hong Kong (formerly GHK (Hong Kong) Ltd), was commissioned by the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Government to carry out a research study on a new funding mechanism for performing arts groups in Hong Kong. The study’s key objectives were to review the objectives of public funding for the performing arts in Hong Kong, to respond to changing demands on the performing arts in light of the West Kowloon Cultural District project, and to develop a comprehensive proposal for a sustainable funding mechanism and a new set of assessment criteria for the Government’s subvention of performing arts groups. Multiple industry group discussions were held as part of the consulting process. Jurisdictions benchmarked included Australia, the UK, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, the US, Canada, France and Sweden.
Image credit: Photo of A Bowlful of Kindness, provided by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre ( Photography by Kit Chan @ KC Creative.