Project Description

Developing a major arts and cultural quarter for Auckland
Auckland Council recognised that cultural projects can drive change
and development to achieve their vision for a vibrant civic centre.
Overseas experience demonstrated that the co-location of arts
facilities within a Quarter can act as a stimulus for this change. The
Aotea Quarter was a natural choice – already being ‘home’ to a
number of arts organisations, and the proposed site for a new 350-
seat theatre.
Positive Solutions conducted extensive consultation with arts and
cultural groups as well as the key stakeholders in the Aotea Quarter,
and scanned international research into the benefits of arts
precinct development.
We reviewed the broader strategic context for this development
and its contribution to Council’s vision for the CBD, undertook a
SWOT and environment analysis of the precinct and surrounding
area, and identified potential risk factors in the development.
This project required an assessment of support for the concept for
an arts cluster/precinct in the South Town Hall area amongst key
stakeholders, the identification of potential precinct activity and
requirements, the users and their needs, identification of potential
partners in the precinct and its development, and the provision of
examples of successful arts precincts operating elsewhere.
Consultation demonstrated considerable support for the idea
of an arts precinct in this location, both from those engaged in
arts and cultural development in the city, and stakeholders in the
Aotea Quarter development. Positive Solutions submitted a report
outlining the demand, including key recommendations for moving
The Aotea Quarter is now considered the cultural heart of the
Auckland City Centre and is home to iconic venues such as the
Auckland Art Gallery, The Civic Theatre, Q Theatre and the Classic
Comedy Club. Auckland Council has built on the early thinking and
planning through adopting an Aotea quarter framework to guide the
further evolution of the Quarter.