Project Description
Focal point of an activated parkland precinct, opening the foreshore to Gladstone’s community and region
The East Shores Precinct opens and connects the foreshore and cruise terminal to create an activated leisure precinct for visitors and the Gladstone community. The Gladstone Ports Corporation has had plans for a Port Interpretive Centre (to be located in the Precinct) in development for several years. The Centre will make Gladstone’s rich maritime history and heritage accessible to the community and is envisioned as an engaging cultural attraction that will provide an educational and cultural experience.
Positive Solutions and project partners The Maytrix Group provided analysis and supported the precinct Master planning, led by Urbis, through local consultation, benchmarking and a series of team and client workshops. The ongoing success and viability of the Centre will be closely integrated with the life and activation of the surrounding precinct, and discussions took place in the context of these wider programming implications.
Positive Solutions was engaged, alongside The Maytrix Group, to provide advice on utilisation, configuration and location of the Interpretive Centre, to precede more detailed business forecasting, and to inform completion of Precinct planning.
The workshopping and consultation resulted in the strategic location of the Centre and integration of café and function use to support the broader objectives for community engagement. Planning also considered activation through programming options for the precinct and informed operational forecasts to support project funding.
As a collaboratively planned Ports Corporation initiative, the Precinct will realise a well-programmed, leisure-focus district with the Port Interpretive Centre at its heart. The Centre and East Shores precinct will enrich community life in the region through a considered and integrated planning approach. Positive Solutions was later re-engaged by the Gladstone Port Corporation to review and update the 2012 report and business plan; engage in Stakeholder consultation to get feedback on the revised plan and compile an amended plan in light of the stakeholder consultation.

A 10-year business plan for Bunjil Place, City of Casey’s award-winning Civic Precinct
Bunjil Place is an Australian first – a $125m local government cultural precinct that unites creativity, community and entertainment in a single iconic building. Envisioned as the heart of the City of Casey, the impressive design has won national and international awards. Exciting programming and a wide range of carefully curated facilities have achieved unprecedented engagement across the diverse Casey community, exceeding all visitation targets in its first year of operation. With a 300-seat theatre, a major art gallery, a library, function centre, and an open-air community plaza, Bunjil Place also hosts civic and business facilities including customer service for the City of Casey. Following the initial year of operation the City wished to review performance to date and prepare a four year plan and ten year financial model built on experience to date.
Working closely with Council and key stakeholders, Positive Solutions supported The Maytrix Group and drew on depth consultation with the staff team. This included analysis by business stream and competitor mapping, and facilitated workshops to develop future vision, service priorities and objectives. Frameworks were provided for commercial partnerships, philanthropy, business development, and performance measures.
The City of Casey required the Business and Financial Plan to provide an overall vision and strategic direction. Sustained population growth had delivered new opportunities for the precinct, but also increased demands. Having pioneered the integration of cultural and community hub with civic and business facilities, the City of Casey faced unique challenges and opportunities – a roadmap was required to plan and integrate services into the future.
The resulting 10-Year Business and Financial Plan was presented to key stakeholders. Embracing Bunjil Place as a whole, and each of its business areas, the Plan provided a guiding vision, and set strategic priorities to inform action planning and financial planning.